July 7, 2008

Fun Fair!

Saturday was pretty dull honestly. So there wasn't anything worth noting in here. Sunday, I thought, would be just the same. But no, it was a much better day than Saturday. Fen, my housemate was planning to have dinner at Secret Recipe with Ngie Chang and then she asked if I wanted to tag along. Argh, I already ate my dinner! I don't wana be a hippopotamus! =S But when she mentioned the word "cake", ahh! I was so up for it! =D Then, she later told me bout her "haunted" house which she would be staying rather soon when she leaves for Seremban, our clinical years. It's bad enough that our clinical years would be the most dire and dreadful years, so her "house" didn't help at all. Sigh.

Then, we decided we should go to the fun fair at the stadium since we had nothing else to do (a pretty bored lot we are). Cheng Jun joined us later. There were tonnes of people there OH MY GOD. And it's been so long since the fair was here, that I could even remember the music banging at my ears during my summative study break! And it was really cool. Obviously it isn't as cool as the ones in Genting (there are less games here), but it's pretty something. You know the ones we have in Penang, the Pesta thingy? Yeah, that's bout it. But anyways, the key issue here is that we took this really crazy ride, the Challenger. It didn't look that scary as we stood there watching it. But when we were on it, trust me, it's definitely not for the faint-hearted. I thought it would be just a piece of cake for me but it was one hell of a ride. it went up almost 120 degrees in mid air, imagine u sitting there with a piece of metal flap in front of u and a seat buckle, and two metal bars at the side for you to grab on, and your feet dangling in mid air, and your spectacles are being removed, you could really see nothing except the lights flickering from below. And there you are, screaming your lungs out. And all that is going through your mind for the past 5 minutes was "SHIT, I'm going to die". Honestly. And your butt is constantly being lifted up and you just have to hold on to the metal bar for your dear life.

As soon as in ended, we came out and our hands were just trembling. And we couldn't even walk straight. So much for wanting more of the adrenaline rush. LOL

Clockwise: Ngie Chang, Cheng Jun, Me and Fen =)

So we came back, cos we knew we wouldn't be able to take another boost of the adrenaline. LOL (and they call themselves guys..tsk). Will miss them loads =)

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