September 13, 2008

A Half-Filled Glass

Sorry I took a 2 week hiatus from all this. I figured I probably really needed it. It just came to a point where quitting seemed like a probable solution, giving up seemed like a really familiar word in my dictionary and I just totally lost it. Or at least I thought I had lost it. Everything spiralled out of control, and I just don't feel like I can handle it any much longer. Sigh. And blogging didn't exactly appeal to me as my therapeutic solution to it. LOL

Classes started a week ago. We're already in our second week currently. Tell me about being in Sem 5. Busy, busy, busy. EVERYDAY. It's like this never-ending cycle! It isn't exactly fun being a senior here in phase 1. What the hell. Plus, it was just after an absolutely wonderful break back at home where all I did was watch tv, hangout, eat and spend time with my mum and dad. Everything came crashing down at the end of it and as weak as I am (I'd rather not like to think of myself so, but I suppose it is a fact), I just failed to comprehend the madness of this life again. I was so depressed the whole week through. Things didn't exactly work out the way I wanted them to. Pressures mounting, escalating. I need to try to start studying already. The whole stack of it right on my shoulders. Effin' IMS (wtf), pbls etc etc. I totally broke down and wondered why the hell did I even choose medicine in the first place.

Talked to Sooi bout it. And she said so much that I picked myself up little by little, and now, I feel so much better. Thanks sooi. I guess I'm not the only one.

Cho came down on Wednesday with Sieu Ming. Absolutely great catching up with them. Only once a year mah, what do you expect. LOL

And here, I need to congratulate the guy that forgot my birthday *roll eyes* Kar How, for finally graduating soon, and for making it into PWC (the big 4 or 8 or whatever. I know it's 4, Kar). I don't know why I'm much more excited about all this than you are. Seriously. A bit ungrateful lah you. Tsk.

Anyways, I am definitely holding on. I don't suppose quitting and giving up is an option now that it's halved. I just need to keep this positive, optimistic mind in mind. However, I really do think that I have a bipolar disorder. Seriously.

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