October 16, 2008


It started out pretty bad today. The base of the skull is an absolute pathetic subject. Don't remind me of how we dreaded each and every minute of this morning.

And then, Mich, Shelva, Teck Jian and i had this looooong conversation in the library cafe over relationships and girls and boys. In conclusion, i just think boys are idiots.

Then, the printer in the library is just effin annoying. And it partially ruined my already ruined day.

Then, Surin and i were discussing about Seremban. Imagine we'd be there in 4 months time. It's bad enough here in KL, now i have to be in that ulu place. Questions of where to say, what kind of house to stay, who to stay with, this and that...like how we both hope we'd get another not so difficult housemate.

Then, Mich and i had this conversation of how we're both not gonna be with each other soon. Like 3 more months being together and then she's gone. Who am i gonna have boy conversations with, annoying housemate conversations with..how am i gonna bitch about absolutely everything under sun when i used to do this so often with her. And like how we both have such similar thoughts, we say the same things at the same time, we roll our eyes at anything that annoys us and how the M n M would always be together. Sigh. I know i still have Surin and Shelva with me and don't get me wrong but i love them to bits too. It's just that our conversations are different. Like how today Mich and i were talking about getting married and all, how we're both so afraid of what the future holds for us and probably if i told Surin "surin! i think i might runaway the night before my wedding!" and she'd probably go "wtf???!!!!" LOL nolah, she doesn't use the F word, but you get the idea. It's only with Mich that we'd both tell each other our craziest thoughts. Seriously.

Sigh. And i know i'll miss the rest of the batch that'd be going overseas too. Maybe not all. But some.

Isn't scary when you have your whole life laid before you? I am.

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