September 4, 2009

First Week Down!

paeds has been fun so far. 4 more weeks to go. part of me can't wait to finish it. part of me loves being around these kids. and oh! today, there's this 1 year old girl whom i walked pass in the ward as i was entering, so i waved at her. guess what she did? :D ahaha. SHE FROWNED AT ME!!! lol. she really did. and it was really a frown! so cute :) of course, i talked to the mother later and played with her then. she couldn't stop playing with my pens and couldn't stop saying "pooh" after looking at the winnie the pooh bears in the cupboard opposite her bed. :D and she let me carry her! :)

made my day that girl.

and it's KL this weekend! to see Sooi. and have fun. and eat. and go to places.

and then mum dad popping by again this weekend. don't ask me why. because i am not interested in my dad's frenzy with his car.

so yes, currently waiting for kw to come back and go go go go go!!!!! :D

toodles :)

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