July 2, 2011

birthday wish list :)

you know this would be coming, don't you ? :D

i figured i should shed some light in here after all the dark, gloomy posts before this. doesn't mean i'm not emo and that i've gotten over everything that's happened. but maybe this is a start. let's hope!

anyways, i don't think i'd be able to go home for the weekend. grumbles. work is overwhelming, portfolios - some to start anew, some for correctionssss (gah!), studying, exams.. geez can't it just stop right here right now?

the only person who has gotten me my gift already is... jeng jeng jeng! koo ho wai of course. have yet to select what i want to buy, but i roughly have an idea! :D

i want .......

1. an ipod/iphone/ipad (thank you very much)
2. a red pointe shoes *hearts*
3. westlife and all things westlife (you. shaddap.)
4. a hugeeeeeeeee angry bird (preferably the red or blue one ehehe.)
5. a marc jacobs 'daisy' perfume!
6. hair curler/straightener
7. Lady Antebellum's new album!
8. a man like Prince William
9. someone to do my portfolios
10. a new lappie! so i can do my work and watch movie on a different screen you have no idea how pathetic i am having to minimise all windows in order to multitask ;(

oklah. i think this would prolly cost a fortune already. jokes aside, what i prolly really want most is to just spend it with the people i love (and of course who loves me back and are not evil to me. haha!).

back to work! feeling a lil lightheaded already. oh the thought of a fracture of the neck of femur! *drowns*

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