October 30, 2009

Another Week, Another Weekend

i did my first placenta delivery today! :) and examined it myself :) with dr shirley. too bad dr edwin wasn't there otherwise i'm sure he'd be telling me about a lot of stuff. nonetheless, i did it :) that warm gush of blood that spilled onto my hands!! ooohh!! the placenta is really soft and slimey and gooey (as ho wai puts it). it feels really good to be able to do something. i think obs is the one posting where i have over 30 entries of procedures in my logbook :)

as much as a i love the weekends, there's this part of me that doesn't really quite like it. i mean there is absolutely no valid reason why one shouldn't like the weekend because that's when you rewind and relax and just chill. but. here in seremban, 80% of us leave this damned place for home because theirs is 45 mins away. while mine is 5 hours away. if i had all the money in the world, i would take the flight back every weekend. if only. it just feels really empty here when all is gone. like as if it isn't bad enough that i know seremban is really not exactly that lively, they all have to leave while i just envy everyone in silence and cry and wished i could so easily drive home every weekend too. this is the part when i miss mummy and daddy. and that place called home. if only it wasn't that far away. i think i am just that kind of person who never wants to feel lonely.

the whole week just went by in a snap. i've done so many things. seen so many things. seen my first caesarean section. and then a second for a breech presentation. REALLY COOL. she literally pulled the whole uterus out, together with the fallopian tubesss!! :S and i did my first female catheterization thanks to dr edwin :) and i assisted in a delivery. watched so many episiotomies being done. and repair of tears. sutures. setting of iv lines. observing amniotomy. epidural anaesthesia!! ALL IN A WEEK. very productive and happy. wished it didn't have to end :(

next week is hell. and so is the following week. i don't want to know. i'm scared. i just want to go home and escape all of these.

i wished i didn't have so much on my mind. i just wished i could concentrate on one thing. things just doesn't get any better.

if only i knew what i want. if only i knew what he wants.

i miss mich too. :(

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