August 10, 2009

The Rollercoaster Ride

it's been 5 months since seremban started. it definitely does not feel so. i just cannot seem to comprehend the fact that so much has happened in such a short time (or long, since i cannot even understand how or why time just past me by with such a hurricane speed, hence i can't tell if 5 months is a long or short time) and that semester 6 just ended that i cannot recollect fast enough all that i have learnt or that has happened before that i am left stoned here, trying to remember things and my head can't stop spinning round and round and it's making me scared and nervous cos semester 7 will be commencing soon (although the holidays have just started i know but surely you'll have to realise how unforgiving time is these days) and then i will soon find myself graduating from medical school, with that oh-so-great-title in front of my name this time around that the responsibilities and duties just keep piling up on my shoulders that it would sooner or later give way and then i'd die.



ok yes, i need to slow down and just chillax. yes, that's what i will try to do.

right, i shall....what's that word? ahh yes, R-E-F-L-E-C-T.

family medicine: great! =) so much of free time and fun!

surgery: fabuloso! so many handsome (although a little elderly. hate to admit that, but still..) surgeons, so much that i have learnt, great great great posting!

internal medicine: BLAHHHH!! i'm sorry, but what the hell is that?! oh right, some absurdly weird, ridiculously insane 7 week posting of which i wished it never did happen at all. PERIOD.

and here's to those wonderfully fun times i had with those i love love love! satay kajang, krispy kremes, ho wai's birthday, MY birthday, those random movie night outs, and all that dinners and lunches and car pool rides. missing them all :)

this is lams and me at steamboat. post-lams birthday celebration :)

this is us in malacca, post-sem 6 and after-exams RnR :)

i think i shall embrace myself for what's to come in semester 7. different groups. different people. people i need to start getting accustom to seeing everyday. paediatrics! obs and gyn! (i love both despite the workload), psychiatry and orthopedics. whokays =S and an EOS7 at the end of it all.

for now, i shall forget about worrying. or at least i promise i will try.

maybe i shall just re-read Deathly Hallows and continue with my new, favourite book Eat, Love Pray by Elizabeth Taylor. REALLY GOOD. :)

and then i shall indulge in my dvds and my tv! and more sleep. ciao!

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