March 31, 2010

my happy ending

lams said to me,

"bo, i know you will find your happy ending".

i know i will too. i want to be that doctor, with a wonderful husband, juggling between her family and career. me and my husband getting married. me and him buying our first house, with that small little garden where we'll sip coffee and tea every weekend. me and him going on annual holidays cum honeymoon, just the two of us, celebrating our love for each other. me and him telling me every night and day that he loves me and how much he misses me and think of me. how i have made him complete. how we fight over the slightest things and then to realise that our love surpasses all that. and us, welcoming our child, and many more to come! how we'd argue over what's best for them. and then we'd grow old together and watching how fast our children grow and have a family of their own. how we'd both weep silently when they get married. he'd still hold my hands as we walk down the streets with wrinkles and that saggy eye-bag. how we'd watch the sun set together side by side. and look into each others' eyes, knowing that he is the best thing that has ever happened to me. kiss goodnight and forever awaiting the next of days that would be spent with him, and him alone. HE will be my happy ending..

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